Cooking fish should be easy, try this simple method of baking the fillets for approximately 8 mins per inch of thickness. The rule of thumb tends to be, less is more, you can always return an undercooked piece to the oven, but you can't uncook it. If you start to see a white residue on the fish, you've gone too far to fast.

Halibut with bright confit tomatoes, squeaky romano beans, and green coriander, this dish screams summer!
Baked Wild Halibut with Green Coriander Oil
Yield: 3 servings
Cook Time: 10-15 mins
16 oz white fish fillets (of any kind, bones removed, skin on or off, this dish features wild halibut)
Extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil (start with at minimum 1/4 cup of oil)
Kosher salt
White wine (start with at least 2 TBSP)
Lemon, for serving
Aromatics (ex. green onion, garlic, green coriander, thyme, basil)
Optional pairings:
Quinoa mixed with chopped herbs
Blanched romano beans (can cook in same dish as the fish or separately)
Confit tomatoes (click for recipe)
Green coriander oil (click for recipe)
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Season the fish with salt and place skin side down in a baking dish or sheet pan. Drizzle the fish with olive oil and white wine, then nestle in aromatics such as green onion and coriander.

Bake fish for 8 mins per inch of thickness. Cook until the fish is opaque and tender, but remove before it starts to flake. If you are serving the fish with romano beans or green beans, nestle them into the pan with the fish.

Remove from oven and plate with quinoa, and romano beans. Spoon some of the cooking liquid over the quinoa and squeeze a half lemon over everything. Top with green coriander oil and tomato confit

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