Breakfast or Dessert? Chia pudding can be eaten anytime of day for a nutritious filling treat.
Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Raw

Basic Chia Pudding Recipe
1/2 cup chia seeds
2 TBSP 100% pure maple syrup
8 oz coconut milk
8 oz almond milk
Optional add ins: toasted nuts, coconut shreds, nut butter, coconut yogurt, mango puree, berry compote, fresh fruit
Recipe Directions
In a medium mixing bowl whisk together milk and chia seeds, let stand for 5 mins
allowing the mixture to rest for 5 mins after mixing allows time for the chia seeds to begin to swell. You will notice the seeds have fallen to the bottom of the bowl and the liquid floating above.
Whisk the mixture to redistribute the seeds in the liquid, cover with plastic or beeswax and place in fridge for at least 20 mins or over night.
Remove from fridge, whisk in maple syrup and taste and adjust for sweetness as necessary
If mixture is thicker in consistency then desired , whisk in 1 TBSP of milk at a time until you achieve the desired pudding like consistency.
Spoon chia pudding into serving dish and top with toppings of choice.
Store in the fridge for up to 6 days
Chia Pudding Variations:
This basic chia pudding base pairs perfectly with every seasons compote, butters & more. Let the variations below serve as inspiration and be sure to let us know what your favorite combinations are in the comments.
Chia Pudding with Golden Apple Butter & Toasted Nuts with Coconut

Chia Pudding with Oat Milk, Berries & Coconut

Chia Pudding with Chocolate Avocado Mousse, Raspberries & Toasted Coconut

Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Pudding with Sliced Almonds

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